1.) Auditions Auditions Auditions...
Try out with your singing voice for a part in Mariposa Arts Theatre's spring staging of
"Guys and Dolls"
Auditions are Friday Dec. 17 6 p.m. -- 9 p.m. and
Saturday Dec. 18 9 a.m. -- 4 p.m..
for more information, Call John Caryl at (705) 327-9759
Our latest performances have been great!! Congratulations to all grade 9 ADA 1O students who performed "Doing Something" in a Readers' Theatre format.
This blog will keep you up to date with contacts for the theatre in Ontario: workshops, information, auditions, performances
Friday, December 10, 2010
Friday, December 3, 2010
Post #19 Dec. 03, 2010
This past week was awesome, with great work done by everyone in class.
I think you might like this youtube video... Random acts of drama...
And if you need a laugh, visit Improv Everywhere (practising random acts of drama...) on Youtube. I recommend Frozen in Grand Central Station (when a tableau becomes a powerful piece of street theatre) and The Food Court Musical (March 09, 2008 — From 16 agents create a spontaneous musical in a food court in a Los Angeles mall. Using wireless microphones and the mall's PA system, both their voices and the music was amplified throughout the food court. All cameras were hidden behind two-way mirrors and other concealed structures. This is one of over 70 different missions Improv Everywhere has executed over the past six years in New York City. Others include Frozen Grand Central, the Best Buy uniform prank, and the famous U2 Rooftop Hoax, to name a few. Visit the website to see tons of photos and video of all of our work, including behind the scenes information on how this video was made. Song by Scott Brown and Anthony King. Arranged by Jamie Laboz)
These are some improv ideas from Beth Foster, Improv coach at Bear Creek S.S.
Home Room Reminders:
Next week we collect the following items for CHristmas
Everyone is working hard to prepare stage performances of "Pygmalion". Due Date: Dec. 13, 14, 15, and 16. You may have more than your classroom peers as an audience, if Mr. Johnston and Ms. McKelvey bring along their grade 9 students.
MONDAY Dec. 06 .
per. 4 we will watch part of "My Fair Lady" to get ideas for British accents.
TUESDAY Beth's group will build puppets Carlie's group will block their Act on stage
WEDNESDAY Dylan's group will block their scenes on stage
THURSDAY Beth's group will practice using the special 'stage'
will all be used for scene polishing.
FRIDAY we will work on Transitions, Introducations and Conclusions.
MONDAY Dec. 06
People are finishing their sit - com scripts this weekend, to be submitted Monday.
TUESDAY Gord's group will use the stage for blocking
WEDNESDAY Miranda's group will block on the stage
THURSDAY Ethan, Skyler and Evan will block their sit-com
FRIDAY all groups who want Madison to do lighting should meet with her and provide an extra copy of their scripts for her instructions.
Monday Dec. 06
Colton's group will present their version of "Doing Something" with Reader's Theatre
Class will begin work on "Pyramus and Thisbe" Warm Up Activity #6, p. 14-17 in Voices in the Spotlight Bell, Perlman, and Stollmeyer
Tuesday Dec. 07
Journal Writing: Recalling a "First Time Event" in your life, or the life of someone you know really well.
Work on Basic Acting Terminology and the Acting Terminology Crossword
Wednesday Dec. 08
begin work on Exercise 6, p. 98 - 113
Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream
11 people or more / group
Thursday Dec. 09
review Acting terminology: quiz tomorrow!
Friday Dec. 10
Acting Terminology Quiz!
this time will be dedicated to group work with the script A Midsummer Night's Dream .
I think you might like this youtube video... Random acts of drama...
And if you need a laugh, visit Improv Everywhere (practising random acts of drama...) on Youtube. I recommend Frozen in Grand Central Station (when a tableau becomes a powerful piece of street theatre) and The Food Court Musical (March 09, 2008 — From 16 agents create a spontaneous musical in a food court in a Los Angeles mall. Using wireless microphones and the mall's PA system, both their voices and the music was amplified throughout the food court. All cameras were hidden behind two-way mirrors and other concealed structures. This is one of over 70 different missions Improv Everywhere has executed over the past six years in New York City. Others include Frozen Grand Central, the Best Buy uniform prank, and the famous U2 Rooftop Hoax, to name a few. Visit the website to see tons of photos and video of all of our work, including behind the scenes information on how this video was made. Song by Scott Brown and Anthony King. Arranged by Jamie Laboz)
These are some improv ideas from Beth Foster, Improv coach at Bear Creek S.S.
Home Room Reminders:
Next week we collect the following items for CHristmas
- non perishable food
- mittens for the mitten tree
- $1 / person to help with WorldVision
Everyone is working hard to prepare stage performances of "Pygmalion". Due Date: Dec. 13, 14, 15, and 16. You may have more than your classroom peers as an audience, if Mr. Johnston and Ms. McKelvey bring along their grade 9 students.
MONDAY Dec. 06 .
per. 4 we will watch part of "My Fair Lady" to get ideas for British accents.
TUESDAY Beth's group will build puppets Carlie's group will block their Act on stage
WEDNESDAY Dylan's group will block their scenes on stage
THURSDAY Beth's group will practice using the special 'stage'
will all be used for scene polishing.
FRIDAY we will work on Transitions, Introducations and Conclusions.
MONDAY Dec. 06
People are finishing their sit - com scripts this weekend, to be submitted Monday.
TUESDAY Gord's group will use the stage for blocking
WEDNESDAY Miranda's group will block on the stage
THURSDAY Ethan, Skyler and Evan will block their sit-com
FRIDAY all groups who want Madison to do lighting should meet with her and provide an extra copy of their scripts for her instructions.
Monday Dec. 06
Colton's group will present their version of "Doing Something" with Reader's Theatre
Class will begin work on "Pyramus and Thisbe" Warm Up Activity #6, p. 14-17 in Voices in the Spotlight Bell, Perlman, and Stollmeyer
Tuesday Dec. 07
Journal Writing: Recalling a "First Time Event" in your life, or the life of someone you know really well.
Work on Basic Acting Terminology and the Acting Terminology Crossword
Wednesday Dec. 08
begin work on Exercise 6, p. 98 - 113
Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream
11 people or more / group
Thursday Dec. 09
review Acting terminology: quiz tomorrow!
Friday Dec. 10
Acting Terminology Quiz!
this time will be dedicated to group work with the script A Midsummer Night's Dream .
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Post #18 Nov. 24, 2010
One more day until our field trip to see Metaphysical Theatre perform commedia dell'arte on the stage at ODCVI! I'm really looking forward to it.
Mini-Research assignment on Theatre History.
Everyone worked with their partners / groups to research their topics. Friday will also be a research day, but we will work in room 114. A few people will work upstairs in room 214 with Mr. Hill. A big thank you to Holly for her help:). Also, thanks to Ayla for showing Mikaela, Ali and August how to use Prezi.
You will finalize your presentations on Monday, and do the actual presentations on Tuesday in the library, using the SmartBoard. I know they will be great!
Comedy Sit-Com Assignment.
Today people finalized their character descriptions and got into groups for writing. Tomorrow and Friday, people will brainstorm their plots and subplots, putting ideas into Storyboard format, which are due at the end of class on Friday.
Next week, script writing will happen, with groups working together to include:
* at least two different types of comedy
* a plot and at least one subplot
* some jokes to spice up the dialogue
* perhaps a moral or important social idea that is taught through your performance.
Yesterday's reading was amazing - Act II and III- with several readers using fairly believeable British accents:
Dylan as "Higgins"
Carlie as "Mrs. Higgins" P. Higgins' mother
Courtney as "Mrs. Eynsford Hill" / Clara and Freddie's mother
Brian as "Doolittle"
Holly as "Eliza Doolittle" daughter of Doolittle
Beth as "Mrs. Pearce"
Emma as "Miss Eynsford Hill " / "Clara" - Freddie's sister
Nick as "Colonel Pickering"
Oliver as "Nepommuck" or " the other professor of phonetics
We will continue with the first reading of Pygmalian today, and try to finish it by Friday. Then we will decide if we want to stage this play, and how we will do it.
Mini-Research assignment on Theatre History.
Everyone worked with their partners / groups to research their topics. Friday will also be a research day, but we will work in room 114. A few people will work upstairs in room 214 with Mr. Hill. A big thank you to Holly for her help:). Also, thanks to Ayla for showing Mikaela, Ali and August how to use Prezi.
You will finalize your presentations on Monday, and do the actual presentations on Tuesday in the library, using the SmartBoard. I know they will be great!
Comedy Sit-Com Assignment.
Today people finalized their character descriptions and got into groups for writing. Tomorrow and Friday, people will brainstorm their plots and subplots, putting ideas into Storyboard format, which are due at the end of class on Friday.
Next week, script writing will happen, with groups working together to include:
* at least two different types of comedy
* a plot and at least one subplot
* some jokes to spice up the dialogue
* perhaps a moral or important social idea that is taught through your performance.
Yesterday's reading was amazing - Act II and III- with several readers using fairly believeable British accents:
Dylan as "Higgins"
Carlie as "Mrs. Higgins" P. Higgins' mother
Courtney as "Mrs. Eynsford Hill" / Clara and Freddie's mother
Brian as "Doolittle"
Holly as "Eliza Doolittle" daughter of Doolittle
Beth as "Mrs. Pearce"
Emma as "Miss Eynsford Hill " / "Clara" - Freddie's sister
Nick as "Colonel Pickering"
Oliver as "Nepommuck" or " the other professor of phonetics
We will continue with the first reading of Pygmalian today, and try to finish it by Friday. Then we will decide if we want to stage this play, and how we will do it.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Post #17 November 12, 2010
Improv Practice begins Next Week on Thursday at Lunch in room 135. Everyone is welcome.
Your final preparations for performing "The Real Inspector Hound" were great. I saw smooth transitions, and meaningful energy to help your audience follow this complex plot. Not to mention several fine accents and costumes!
We are all looking forward to Monday's presentations.
C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S ! !
Fairy Tale Parodies are complete, and some people got their chance to play Park Bench too. My congratulations to:
the cast and crew of
Snow Blue ( not Snow White), who managed to pull together a fine performance, with just a touch of improv, of your entertaining and ambitious play. The audience loved it. Cameron gets special mention for his "crying" scene. Also, Sammi played a great mean sister / friend, Kristie was consistent in her performance of the grumpy - est mean woman we've seen in a long time. Brooke stole the show with her amazing costume, and thanks to Veronica for being the narrator. Thanks to Madison for her technical assistance.
the cast and crew of
"The Pied Piper of Hamlin", performed mostly with improv by Ben, Evan, Thomas and Isaac, with technical help and acting assistance from Brett, Gord, and John. The Michael Jackson impersonation by Ben was funny, but creepy at the same time. Special thanks to Skyler for the 'smoke' special effects.
the cast and crew of
"The Three Little Pigs", a parody of Jersey Shore and other things. Many congratulations on excellent accents from James, John and Holly. Gord gets special mention for his ridiculous impersonation of a guy looking for a 'sangwich', and special thanks go to Madison for her technical assistance. Veronica gets the last word for being a much needed entertaining narrator, who distracted the audience during scene changes.
the cast and crew of
"Cindersmella", a homeless version of one of our favourite fairy tales of all time. Congratulations to Skyler, Bobbie-Lee, Ethan and their crew for creating a believeable, although somewhat sad variation on the original, which took place in the abandoned WalMart and under various bridges. Not only were the costumes great, so was the dialogue. With an everpresent theme of "Don't Do Drugs", the story also told a modern moral.
These people get the prize for the best title.
and finally....
the cast and crew of
"Rapunzel", with a modern twist and modern characters: Tiger Woods! a.k.a. Brett; Angelina Jolie! a.k.a. Rachel; and Rapunzel! a.k.a. Miranda. Thanks to Madison for technical assistance. Your play really had smooth transitions; no stumbling with lines; and on top of that, it was just plain entertaining.
Your final preparations for performing "The Real Inspector Hound" were great. I saw smooth transitions, and meaningful energy to help your audience follow this complex plot. Not to mention several fine accents and costumes!
We are all looking forward to Monday's presentations.
C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S ! !
Fairy Tale Parodies are complete, and some people got their chance to play Park Bench too. My congratulations to:
the cast and crew of
Snow Blue ( not Snow White), who managed to pull together a fine performance, with just a touch of improv, of your entertaining and ambitious play. The audience loved it. Cameron gets special mention for his "crying" scene. Also, Sammi played a great mean sister / friend, Kristie was consistent in her performance of the grumpy - est mean woman we've seen in a long time. Brooke stole the show with her amazing costume, and thanks to Veronica for being the narrator. Thanks to Madison for her technical assistance.
the cast and crew of
"The Pied Piper of Hamlin", performed mostly with improv by Ben, Evan, Thomas and Isaac, with technical help and acting assistance from Brett, Gord, and John. The Michael Jackson impersonation by Ben was funny, but creepy at the same time. Special thanks to Skyler for the 'smoke' special effects.
the cast and crew of
"The Three Little Pigs", a parody of Jersey Shore and other things. Many congratulations on excellent accents from James, John and Holly. Gord gets special mention for his ridiculous impersonation of a guy looking for a 'sangwich', and special thanks go to Madison for her technical assistance. Veronica gets the last word for being a much needed entertaining narrator, who distracted the audience during scene changes.
the cast and crew of
"Cindersmella", a homeless version of one of our favourite fairy tales of all time. Congratulations to Skyler, Bobbie-Lee, Ethan and their crew for creating a believeable, although somewhat sad variation on the original, which took place in the abandoned WalMart and under various bridges. Not only were the costumes great, so was the dialogue. With an everpresent theme of "Don't Do Drugs", the story also told a modern moral.
These people get the prize for the best title.
and finally....
the cast and crew of
"Rapunzel", with a modern twist and modern characters: Tiger Woods! a.k.a. Brett; Angelina Jolie! a.k.a. Rachel; and Rapunzel! a.k.a. Miranda. Thanks to Madison for technical assistance. Your play really had smooth transitions; no stumbling with lines; and on top of that, it was just plain entertaining.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Post #16 October 30, 2010
"The Real Inspector Hound"
for a closer look at some of the characters in this play, check out:
this video is a promo created for a recent performance
this final video has a slow beginning, but shows blocking of the stage for a final performance
Sarah and Beth practicing stage combat.
Take a few minutes to watch these videos. They will give you ideas about how to put your script together.
Veronica, Liam, Brook and Rachel on the bus to Stratford last Wednesday.
Brooke, Robyn and Kait.
Jaci, Emily, Marina, Oliver, Brian, Dylan and MacKenzie.
Ali, Christie, Jannah, Sarah, and Kayley.
Rebecca, Nolan, Colton, Ayla and Alicia.
Lilli, Airi, Emma, Steph, Sarah and Beth.
Nevan, Sara, Ashley, Holly, Rebecca and Ayla.
Landon and Mrs. Warder.
Everybody in the Avon Theatre lobby waiting to meet Rich Lee and TJay for our stage combat workshop.
Robyn, Megan, Jessica, Brooke, Steph and Miranda practicing stage combat.
Kait, Sarah, Veronica, Beth, and Liam.
Our fight instructors Rich and TJay showAshley how to fake a punch.
Jannah, Ayla, Sarah, Colton, Jaci and TJay practicing 1 eye contact, 2. range, 3. target, and 4. intention.
Marina and Kait.
"The Real Inspector Hound"
for a closer look at some of the characters in this play, check out:
this video is a promo created for a recent performance
this final video has a slow beginning, but shows blocking of the stage for a final performance
Sarah and Beth practicing stage combat.
Take a few minutes to watch these videos. They will give you ideas about how to put your script together.
Veronica, Liam, Brook and Rachel on the bus to Stratford last Wednesday.
Brooke, Robyn and Kait.
Jaci, Emily, Marina, Oliver, Brian, Dylan and MacKenzie.
Ali, Christie, Jannah, Sarah, and Kayley.
Rebecca, Nolan, Colton, Ayla and Alicia.
Lilli, Airi, Emma, Steph, Sarah and Beth.
Nevan, Sara, Ashley, Holly, Rebecca and Ayla.
Landon and Mrs. Warder.
Everybody in the Avon Theatre lobby waiting to meet Rich Lee and TJay for our stage combat workshop.
Robyn, Megan, Jessica, Brooke, Steph and Miranda practicing stage combat.
Kait, Sarah, Veronica, Beth, and Liam.
Our fight instructors Rich and TJay showAshley how to fake a punch.
Jannah, Ayla, Sarah, Colton, Jaci and TJay practicing 1 eye contact, 2. range, 3. target, and 4. intention.
Marina and Kait.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Post #15 October 29, 2010
Any drama students looking for a wonderful opportunity for a future career in the circus....
2) National Circus School: Canadian Pre-Selection Tour
From October 31 to November 13, the National Circus School embarks on a pre-selection tour of some 20 cities, a cross-Canada quest for talented young people between the ages of 9 and 17.
Today, we said good-bye to our Japanese students, Airi and Ayaki. Airi was able to attend the show, "Peter Pan" in Stratford with us on Wednesday :). Ayaki gave me a wonderful good-bye gift and card. I really appreciated having them both in class with us for the past 6 weeks. All the best of luck to both of them as they travel back home.
ADA 3M: rehearsals are going well for our Remembrance Day Assembly. People are getting along really well professionally. Monologues have been memorable. Jeff performed some final words of the leader of "The Doors" with great believability. Karlene's "Fight Club" monologue was so suitable for her personal character. Carlie and Courtney both performed heart-wrenching rants about boys; although they were quite different.
ADA 2O: rehearsals have begun for parody performances of "The Three Little Pigs", "The Pied Piper of Hamlin", and "Cinderella". I'm sure they will be wonderful. They will take place next Thursday, Nov. 4 and Friday, Nov. 5.
ADA 1O: the first work of getting into scripts for "The Real Inspector Hound" took place yesterday, with the dividing up of parts and people's early ideas about how these characters will operate on stage. It should be a lot of fun.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Post #14 October 25, 2010
Wow! is it really the last week of October already? Two more days until the field trip to Stratford!
Everyone must be at Park STreet in front of the main office ( near the flagpole) before 7:00 a.m.
Please Bring:
People interested in attending Ryerson should read the following:
Everyone must be at Park STreet in front of the main office ( near the flagpole) before 7:00 a.m.
Please Bring:
- snacks for on busride
- ipods
- cameras
- $ for lunch and dinner ( likely $20 - $25)
- your enthusiasm :)
People interested in attending Ryerson should read the following:
5) Discover RYERSON on November 4 OR 18
At our full-day Discover Ryerson, students will meet professors and students from all of our full-time undergraduate programs, as well as representatives from Undergraduate Admissions and Student Services. Students attend an information session about the academic program that is of interest to them, speak one-on-one with Ryerson faculty, staff and students, and have an opportunity to take a general tour of the campus as well as the residences and athletic facilities. Group registrations are welcome!
Monologue performances last Friday were a treat!
Brian Webb's heart-wrenching show about bullying brought a tear to the eye.
Mike Moughton's personal monologue was sad and really kept the audience's attention.
Amanda Powell really took the highway to heros to the next level.
Oliver Nelson had us all convince he was a valley girl.
And Kait Osborne's rant about the false face of the music industry really rang true. I think we all just wanted Kait to keep on talking.
Great job everyone! I am really looking forward to more monologues this afternoon.
Terry Fox Performances were amazing and definitely above average. What a lot of team work!
I'm looking forward to stellar Fairy Tale Parody performances by the later part of this week.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Post #12 Friday, Oct. 15, 2010
This is just too funny.
Drama class has been amazing these last few days.
This is just too funny.
Drama class has been amazing these last few days.
- ADA 1O Students in two groups did their first performances of "The Terry Fox Story" on stage and under the lights for their fellow students. Congratulations to all of you for taking the risk to be the first to perform a fairly serious script. I am really looking forward to more presentations on Monday.
- ADA 2O Students are writing Fairy Tale Parody scripts that are getting funnier and more entertaining every day. The next several days would be a good time to collect props and costumes you will need for your performances. It will help to have all your "stuff" there when you practice.
- ADA 3M Students in class were very professional by putting aside personal differences in order to make our Remembrance Day Assembly plans. I can only say that I was impressed by all of you with your mature attitudes and the amount of work you already completed. Wow! The assembly is taking shape nicely thanks to everyone's hard work. Yesterday, I dropped by the Orillia Legion and spoke to several veterens about coming out to Park Street to say a few words at our assembly. More on that later.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
post #11 Thursday, Oct. 07 2010
Yesterday's grade nine drama class (ADA 1O) was just amazing. William MacKenzie Atwell did such a convincing stage performance of a sad, sad scene that he made some girls in our audience cry. I think everyone was surprised by this event, and we are looking forward to more authentic acting from Will and his stage partner, Ali White.
If you are getting into the Halloween mood, here is a website for your make-up instruction...
Classical Theatre Project <>
The workshop for doing scarey make-up is detailed on this site.
ADA 2O: people are writing their parody scripts this week.
ADA 3M: class yesterday was an excellent day of collaboration and team- work as we all got the Remembrance Day Assembly organized. Thanks to:
* Carlie Archer for her practical ideas
* Dylan Taylor for being a non-partisan director and finding a fair way to audition actors for lead roles
* Beth Shaw and Emma Hutchison for recording things on the board
* to Emily Sharpe and Amanda Powell for their music video suggestions
Here is the list of cast and roles:
WWII scene i
soldier/ husband: Brian W.
wife: Emma H
general: Jeff M
son: Mike M
soldiers: Nick, Emily, Courtney, Holly, Kate, Dylan, Amanda, Jerry
Afganistan scene ii
older son: Mike M
younger son: Jeremiah
soldiers: same
singing in a group song:
Emma, Holly, Ashley, Steph, Beth, Brian, Mike, Jerry, Jeff, Amanda, Nick,
Director: Karlene S
Sound Tech: Kate O
Music: Oliver, Kate, Holly , Dylan
Lighting: Puneet
Script writing: Carlie A.
If you are getting into the Halloween mood, here is a website for your make-up instruction...
Classical Theatre Project <>
The workshop for doing scarey make-up is detailed on this site.
ADA 2O: people are writing their parody scripts this week.
ADA 3M: class yesterday was an excellent day of collaboration and team- work as we all got the Remembrance Day Assembly organized. Thanks to:
* Carlie Archer for her practical ideas
* Dylan Taylor for being a non-partisan director and finding a fair way to audition actors for lead roles
* Beth Shaw and Emma Hutchison for recording things on the board
* to Emily Sharpe and Amanda Powell for their music video suggestions
Here is the list of cast and roles:
WWII scene i
soldier/ husband: Brian W.
wife: Emma H
general: Jeff M
son: Mike M
soldiers: Nick, Emily, Courtney, Holly, Kate, Dylan, Amanda, Jerry
Afganistan scene ii
older son: Mike M
younger son: Jeremiah
soldiers: same
singing in a group song:
Emma, Holly, Ashley, Steph, Beth, Brian, Mike, Jerry, Jeff, Amanda, Nick,
Director: Karlene S
Sound Tech: Kate O
Music: Oliver, Kate, Holly , Dylan
Lighting: Puneet
Script writing: Carlie A.
Monday, October 4, 2010
#10, Monday, October 04, 2010
PSCI Drama:
Class comments on "Juve" performances:
Today group members created at least 8 scenes for their parodies by storyboarding their most important moments. Storyboards were a collaborative assignment and were handed at the end of class. Tomorrow we start to write scripts with funny dialogue.
Drama work: last week we reviewed the use of the voice. This week, we incorporate more warm-up activities for vocal as well as physicalization. We also will work on basic script components for our Remembrance Day assembly.
Class comments on "Juve" performances:
Park Street Collegiate ADA 1O
“JUVE” Comments
October, 2010
I think if we had more time or another chance we would add more actions when we have nothing to do.
I wish had the opportunity to perform this script. I really enjoyed it. It would have been very fun and a great experience.
I enjoyed everyone’s skits and I would prefer if we all did different groups. We enjoyed working together as a team and I really think it helped put the play together.
The last group to perform “Juve” did a very good job. It was funny and they had used very good expression. I liked the way they used expression and the way they acted it out. It was a very good performance.
I loved how Robyn’s group came up through the aisles, they worked well together and projected their voices so you could hear them. They were very organized and well put together; it flowed better than the others.
If I could do our performance again, I would add more sound FX.
Some groups in the other people’s plays were able to use the boxes on the stage and they spoke very clearly.
I liked Megan’s group because they really choreographed the play.
If I could do the play again, I would add more awkwardness between Michael and his dad, since his dad is in jail, I guess it would’ve been more interesting to watch.
I think we should have acted out the hockey scene.
If I could do this again, I would have some action in the opening song and in the report on hockey.
If we were to do it over, I think we should have acted out the hockey scene.
I liked “Juve”. I liked it because it brought everyone together as a group. I liked how Christie’s group used the actions in the song and the hockey speech. I liked how the script was open-ended so we could interpret how we thought the skit should be.
I liked how Coleton’s group re-enacted the hockey scene. This made the scene more interesting.
The thing I did like was that it had humour and in a way it was really fun, mostly because I love to act or sing, and just generally be on stage.
What I liked about our play was that we all said the cheer together and we ran up at the start like we were running around the audience and we were pretending to play basketball and then we did pushups.
My favourite part was the hockey part and when we were all playing stuff at the beginning.
Michael and his group were creative though, I thought their play was the best. It was humourous and comedic.
I liked how Robyn’s group entered doing the theme song. They used the audience and had enthusiasm when they did the theme song. This play was really fun, and I can’t wait to do more.
I really liked how Sarah’s group acted out the things really well… like when the hockey speech was being read and at the beginning when the song was being said.
I liked how Jaci’s group sorta sung a couple of lines. That made it seem creepy but cool.
Today group members created at least 8 scenes for their parodies by storyboarding their most important moments. Storyboards were a collaborative assignment and were handed at the end of class. Tomorrow we start to write scripts with funny dialogue.
Drama work: last week we reviewed the use of the voice. This week, we incorporate more warm-up activities for vocal as well as physicalization. We also will work on basic script components for our Remembrance Day assembly.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
#9, September 30, 2010
We have already got to the end of September, and Drama at Park Street is just plain cool.
Your work with the minimal script from "Juve" showed perceptive interpretation of a vague piece of writing. Performances were entertaining and also brought across believable high school scenes. Way to go!
Nightmare Tableaux will be performed tomorrow! Remember to bring your costumes and props.
Fractured Fairy Tale assignments begin tomorrow...
Friday, Oct. 01: Choose your classic fairy tale and talk about ideas for your fractured fairy tale.
Monday, Oct 04: On paper, create a storyboard outline for your fairy tale. This must have a beginning, middle and end. Hand in outline on Tuesday for a mark out of /10.
Tuesday, Oct. 05: begin scripting your fairy tale play. Develop characters with a noticeable tone of voice
Your script must include a title page listing the name of the play and names of actors.
Include (stage directions) in parentheses. Use blackouts sparingly.
Thursday Oct. 06-07: Continue your rough draft of your play.
Tuesday, Oct. 14: Final draft of your script is due for a mark out of /20
Friday, Oct. 15 - 18: Rehearse plays
Week of Oct. 19 -22: begin performances of plays.
Yesterday we chose jobs for our Remembrance Day Assembly and posted them in class. The maturity of people during this process was admirable. I was impressed with the way you all worked together.
The assembly should be great!
Games played recently:
"Show us your trade, if you're not afraid!"
"Murder Wink"
"Two truths and a lie"
"Who's the Leader?"
"Name Game"
"Annoying Personal Habits"
A big Thanks to everyone who brought in their field trip permission forms and money. That is going to be an amazing day.
Your work with the minimal script from "Juve" showed perceptive interpretation of a vague piece of writing. Performances were entertaining and also brought across believable high school scenes. Way to go!
Nightmare Tableaux will be performed tomorrow! Remember to bring your costumes and props.
Fractured Fairy Tale assignments begin tomorrow...
Friday, Oct. 01: Choose your classic fairy tale and talk about ideas for your fractured fairy tale.
Monday, Oct 04: On paper, create a storyboard outline for your fairy tale. This must have a beginning, middle and end. Hand in outline on Tuesday for a mark out of /10.
Tuesday, Oct. 05: begin scripting your fairy tale play. Develop characters with a noticeable tone of voice
Your script must include a title page listing the name of the play and names of actors.
Include (stage directions) in parentheses. Use blackouts sparingly.
Thursday Oct. 06-07: Continue your rough draft of your play.
Tuesday, Oct. 14: Final draft of your script is due for a mark out of /20
Friday, Oct. 15 - 18: Rehearse plays
Week of Oct. 19 -22: begin performances of plays.
Yesterday we chose jobs for our Remembrance Day Assembly and posted them in class. The maturity of people during this process was admirable. I was impressed with the way you all worked together.
The assembly should be great!
Games played recently:
"Show us your trade, if you're not afraid!"
"Murder Wink"
"Two truths and a lie"
"Who's the Leader?"
"Name Game"
"Annoying Personal Habits"
A big Thanks to everyone who brought in their field trip permission forms and money. That is going to be an amazing day.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Post #8 Sept. 22, 2010
Yesterday we started to look at artifacts from the world wars.
Today we looked at song lyrics about war and Carlie Archer found a Youtube video by George Canyon called "I Want You To Live", which we watched. It was sad.
Other war-related videos to check out:
Pillar - Frontline
Green Day - Wake Me Up When September Ends
Our Lady Peace - 4am
Dixie Chicks - Travelin' Soldier
Avril Lavigne - When You're Gone
Iron Maiden - Paschendale
Johnny Cash - Don't Take Your Guns to Town
Garth Brooks - Belleau Woods
We began to work on the Actor's Voice, and will continue that today. Yesterday, we learned physiological terms about how we speak: voiced, unvoiced, stops, fricatives, hard and soft palate, tongue, lips, lungs, diaphragm, projection, stage whisper.
We will have a quiz on terms and definitions about the Actor's Voice.
For anyone interested in drama studies after high school:
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
go to to find out about the Drama Education Workshops. Click on Applications, then DRED&C Workshop. Note: you do not have to wait until you apply to the university to take this workshop.
There is a Free Creativity Workshop designed to help you prepare for auditions.
This is coming up November 21, 2010. (a.m. and p.m. sessions available)
Yesterday we started to look at artifacts from the world wars.
Today we looked at song lyrics about war and Carlie Archer found a Youtube video by George Canyon called "I Want You To Live", which we watched. It was sad.
Other war-related videos to check out:
Pillar - Frontline
Green Day - Wake Me Up When September Ends
Our Lady Peace - 4am
Dixie Chicks - Travelin' Soldier
Avril Lavigne - When You're Gone
Iron Maiden - Paschendale
Johnny Cash - Don't Take Your Guns to Town
Garth Brooks - Belleau Woods
We began to work on the Actor's Voice, and will continue that today. Yesterday, we learned physiological terms about how we speak: voiced, unvoiced, stops, fricatives, hard and soft palate, tongue, lips, lungs, diaphragm, projection, stage whisper.
We will have a quiz on terms and definitions about the Actor's Voice.
For anyone interested in drama studies after high school:
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
go to to find out about the Drama Education Workshops. Click on Applications, then DRED&C Workshop. Note: you do not have to wait until you apply to the university to take this workshop.
There is a Free Creativity Workshop designed to help you prepare for auditions.
This is coming up November 21, 2010. (a.m. and p.m. sessions available)
Friday, September 17, 2010
Post #7 Friday, Sept 17th, 2010
We had our Terry Fox run today at Park Street during period two. I'll try to get pictures for next time.
Senior students, there is a wonderful event happening in Toronto next weekend... just to get your interest about your post - graduate education.
Check out the details....
Senior students, there is a wonderful event happening in Toronto next weekend... just to get your interest about your post - graduate education.
Check out the details....
6) Canada's largest FREE education and career event is COMING SOON!
September 24-26.
Over 30 Post-Secondary-Schools from across Canada, Government & Professional Associations, Lifestyle Exhibitors, Career Associations - over 60 exhibitors - conveniently located on the GO and Subway right next to Union Station in Toronto's Skywalk.
Directions: HERE
Poster for print: HERE
Over 30 Post-Secondary-Schools from across Canada, Government & Professional Associations, Lifestyle Exhibitors, Career Associations - over 60 exhibitors - conveniently located on the GO and Subway right next to Union Station in Toronto's Skywalk.
Directions: HERE
Poster for print: HERE
Monday, September 13, 2010
post #5 mon. Sept. 13, 2010
ADA 2O: bring in some favourite fairy tales
ADA 1O: remember your field trip forms and money
ADA 3M: Reports will be completed tomorrow by the end of class, and presentations will be Wednesday.
Check this out for further drama training...
-----Original Message-----
Sent 9/12/2010 2:20:04 PM
Subject: PLAYWRIGHT FESTIVAL - Offers students a peek in to the process
I am contacting you on behalf of the Grey-Bruce Arts Collective and the Meaford Hall Arts & Culture Centre.
There is an exciting PLAYWRIGHT FESTIVAL coming up at the Meaford Hall Oct 2 & 3.
**Attendance will offer students a unique look in to the playwriting process.
The actors, both professional & amatueur, along with a director, a dramaturge and the playwright will spend a few days reading, discussing, analyzing and asking questions about the story and characters. At the end of this rehearsal period, the Meaford Hall will be presenting these staged readings for the public. It is a chance for the public audience to hear a play come to life.
Of Special Note: The Saturday Matinee showcases a budding playwrite from West Hill Secondary School in Owen Sound !
Grey-Bruce Arts Collective: (519) 538-4903
Meaford Hall Arts & Cultural Centre (519) 538-0463
Tickets bought in a group of 6 or more will receive a 15% discount!
Could you share this info. with your students and then post in your school?
Karen Creed-Thompson
ADA 1O: remember your field trip forms and money
ADA 3M: Reports will be completed tomorrow by the end of class, and presentations will be Wednesday.
Check this out for further drama training...
-----Original Message-----
Sent 9/12/2010 2:20:04 PM
Subject: PLAYWRIGHT FESTIVAL - Offers students a peek in to the process
I am contacting you on behalf of the Grey-Bruce Arts Collective and the Meaford Hall Arts & Culture Centre.
There is an exciting PLAYWRIGHT FESTIVAL coming up at the Meaford Hall Oct 2 & 3.
**Attendance will offer students a unique look in to the playwriting process.
The actors, both professional & amatueur, along with a director, a dramaturge and the playwright will spend a few days reading, discussing, analyzing and asking questions about the story and characters. At the end of this rehearsal period, the Meaford Hall will be presenting these staged readings for the public. It is a chance for the public audience to hear a play come to life.
Of Special Note: The Saturday Matinee showcases a budding playwrite from West Hill Secondary School in Owen Sound !
Grey-Bruce Arts Collective: (519) 538-4903
Meaford Hall Arts & Cultural Centre (519) 538-0463
Tickets bought in a group of 6 or more will receive a 15% discount!
Could you share this info. with your students and then post in your school?
Karen Creed-Thompson
Thursday, September 9, 2010
post #4 Thursday, Sept. 09, 2010
Tomorrow the Field Trip forms for our Stratford trip will be available. Get yours right away, and return it with permission signed and your money in order to reserve your seat. Only 45 seats available. See below for some pictures of last year's Stratford experience.
Counsellors - Don't let Senior Students miss the 8th Annual ROGERS STUDENT LIFE EXPO
Coincides and complements the fair for Ontario universities.
Largest FREE post-secondary education and career event in Canada.
September 24-26. Post-Secondary-Schools from across Canada, Government & Professional Associations, LifeStyle Exhibitors... Toronto's Skywalk.
"Theatre is... the direct experience shared when people imagine and behave as if they were other than themselves in some other place and at another time."
Jonathan Neelands and Tony Goode
Theatre exists in order to interpret human behaviour and meanings and it responds to basic human need to symbolize through art forms
Counsellors - Don't let Senior Students miss the 8th Annual ROGERS STUDENT LIFE EXPO
Coincides and complements the fair for Ontario universities.
Largest FREE post-secondary education and career event in Canada.
September 24-26. Post-Secondary-Schools from across Canada, Government & Professional Associations, LifeStyle Exhibitors... Toronto's Skywalk.
"Theatre is... the direct experience shared when people imagine and behave as if they were other than themselves in some other place and at another time."
Jonathan Neelands and Tony Goode
Theatre exists in order to interpret human behaviour and meanings and it responds to basic human need to symbolize through art forms
![]() |
Murray, Brian and Dylan looking medieval. |
![]() |
Kait in a velvet cape. |
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Post #3 Wed. Sept 08, 2010
Here is a pic of some lucky Park Street students dressing up in Stratford's costume warehouse last year.
Today we talked about tableau and tableaux.
ADA 1O: your homework for tomorrow is your portfolio page
ADA 2O: your homework for tomorrow is your "My Life In a Box" assignment and some great facial expressions.
ADA 3M / 3O: you need to come up with ideas for our Remembrance Day Presentation.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
post #2 Sept. 07, 2010 First Day of School at PSCI, Orillia ON
Drama Field Trip:
check out more about the field trip to see "Peter Pan" at the stratford festival website:
ADA 3M / 3O
*homework for Thursday: complete and hand in personalized portfolio cover page
-this is an assignment that you must work on and complete at home.
* homework for Thursday: complete and hand in personalized portfolio cover page
* homework for Thursday: "My Life in a Box" come to class prepared to share your box and contents with your class.
check out more about the field trip to see "Peter Pan" at the stratford festival website:
ADA 3M / 3O
*homework for Thursday: complete and hand in personalized portfolio cover page
-this is an assignment that you must work on and complete at home.
* homework for Thursday: complete and hand in personalized portfolio cover page
* homework for Thursday: "My Life in a Box" come to class prepared to share your box and contents with your class.
sept 07 2010 First Day of School: Post #2
ADA 3M / 3O:
*homework for Thursday: personalized portfolio cover to be handed in
* homework for Thursday, Sept. 09, 2010 - complete portfolio cover page and hand in
* homework for Thursday, Sept. 09, 2010 - "My Life in a Box" assignment due
Field Trip
Reminder: check out the Stratford Festival website for more on "Peter Pan"
Bonus! In the photo on the blog, I am standing with my husband in the small Ontario town of Stratford. Can you find out the name of the river running behind us? ( clue: Shakespeare lived near a river in England by the same name.) Let me know tomorrow if you have the answer:).
*homework for Thursday: personalized portfolio cover to be handed in
* homework for Thursday, Sept. 09, 2010 - complete portfolio cover page and hand in
* homework for Thursday, Sept. 09, 2010 - "My Life in a Box" assignment due
Field Trip
Reminder: check out the Stratford Festival website for more on "Peter Pan"
Bonus! In the photo on the blog, I am standing with my husband in the small Ontario town of Stratford. Can you find out the name of the river running behind us? ( clue: Shakespeare lived near a river in England by the same name.) Let me know tomorrow if you have the answer:).
Monday, September 6, 2010
Sawatsky's Drama #1 post
here are some links to stuff you want to know about:
1. Call for Applications for the Youth Theatre Training Program
Theatre Ontario is now inviting applications for the October 15, 2010 deadline for the Youth Theatre Training Program (YTTP), funded by the Ontario Arts Council.
The YTTP provides training dollars to fund accessible theatre programs involving youth aged 14 to 21. YTTP assists Ontario organizations that wish to undertake projects providing training to youth in various theatrical skills and disciplines, lead by professional theatre artists.
Read all about the Youth Theatre Training Program on the Theatre Ontario website. After reading the YTTP guidelines, applicants are encouraged to contact Tim Chapman, Professional Theatre Coordinator ( or 416.408.4556 x.12) regarding your application. You can also read about the most recent mentorships (Spring 2010) funded by this program.
2. Just for fun...
3. Any auditions for school presentations will be posted on this blog in the next week.
1. Call for Applications for the Youth Theatre Training Program
Theatre Ontario is now inviting applications for the October 15, 2010 deadline for the Youth Theatre Training Program (YTTP), funded by the Ontario Arts Council.
The YTTP provides training dollars to fund accessible theatre programs involving youth aged 14 to 21. YTTP assists Ontario organizations that wish to undertake projects providing training to youth in various theatrical skills and disciplines, lead by professional theatre artists.
Read all about the Youth Theatre Training Program on the Theatre Ontario website. After reading the YTTP guidelines, applicants are encouraged to contact Tim Chapman, Professional Theatre Coordinator ( or 416.408.4556 x.12) regarding your application. You can also read about the most recent mentorships (Spring 2010) funded by this program.
2. Just for fun...
3. Any auditions for school presentations will be posted on this blog in the next week.
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