Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Post #18 Nov. 24, 2010

One more day until our field trip to see Metaphysical Theatre perform commedia dell'arte on the stage at ODCVI!  I'm really looking forward to it.

Mini-Research assignment on Theatre History.
Everyone worked with their partners / groups to research their topics.  Friday will also be a research day, but we will work in room 114.  A few people will work upstairs in room 214 with Mr. Hill.  A big thank you to Holly for her help:).  Also, thanks to Ayla for showing Mikaela, Ali and August how to use Prezi.

You will finalize your presentations on Monday, and do the actual presentations on Tuesday in the library, using the SmartBoard.  I know they will be great!

Comedy Sit-Com Assignment.
Today people finalized their character descriptions and got into groups for writing.  Tomorrow and Friday, people will brainstorm their plots and subplots, putting ideas into Storyboard format, which are due at the end of class on Friday.
Next week, script writing will happen, with groups working together to include:
* at least two different types of comedy
* a plot and at least one subplot
* some jokes to spice up the dialogue
* perhaps a moral or important social idea that is taught through your performance.

Yesterday's reading was amazing - Act II   and III- with several readers using fairly believeable British accents:
Dylan as "Higgins"
Carlie as "Mrs. Higgins"  P. Higgins' mother
Courtney as "Mrs. Eynsford Hill" / Clara and Freddie's mother
Brian as "Doolittle"
Holly as "Eliza Doolittle"  daughter of Doolittle
Beth as "Mrs. Pearce"
Emma as "Miss Eynsford Hill " / "Clara"  - Freddie's sister
Nick as   "Colonel Pickering"
Oliver as "Nepommuck"  or " the other professor of phonetics

We will continue with the first reading of Pygmalian today, and try to finish it by Friday.  Then we will decide if we want to stage this play, and how we will do it.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Post #17 November 12, 2010

Improv Practice begins Next Week on Thursday at Lunch in room 135.  Everyone is welcome.


Your final preparations for performing "The Real Inspector Hound" were great.  I saw smooth transitions, and meaningful energy to help your audience follow this complex plot.  Not to mention several fine accents and costumes!

We are all looking forward to Monday's presentations.


C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S ! !

Fairy Tale Parodies are complete, and some people got their chance to play Park Bench too.  My congratulations to:

the cast and crew of
Snow Blue ( not Snow White), who managed to pull together a fine performance, with just a touch of improv, of your entertaining and ambitious play.  The audience loved it.  Cameron gets special mention for his "crying" scene.  Also, Sammi played a great mean sister / friend, Kristie was consistent in her performance of the grumpy - est mean woman we've seen in a long time.  Brooke stole the show with her amazing costume, and thanks to Veronica for being the narrator.  Thanks to Madison for her technical assistance. 

the cast and crew of
"The Pied Piper of Hamlin", performed mostly with improv by Ben, Evan, Thomas and Isaac, with technical help and acting assistance from Brett, Gord, and John.  The Michael Jackson impersonation by Ben was funny, but creepy at the same time. Special thanks to Skyler for the 'smoke' special effects.

the cast and crew of
"The Three Little Pigs", a parody of Jersey Shore and other things.  Many congratulations on excellent accents from James, John and Holly.  Gord gets special mention for his ridiculous impersonation of a guy looking for a 'sangwich', and special thanks go to Madison for her technical assistance.  Veronica gets the last word for being a much needed entertaining narrator, who distracted the audience during scene changes.

the cast and crew of
"Cindersmella", a homeless version of one of our favourite fairy tales of all time.  Congratulations to Skyler, Bobbie-Lee, Ethan and their crew for creating a believeable, although somewhat sad variation on the original, which took place in the abandoned WalMart and under various bridges.  Not only were the costumes great, so was the dialogue.  With an everpresent theme of "Don't Do Drugs", the story also told a modern moral.
These people get the prize for the best title.

and finally....

the cast and crew of
"Rapunzel", with a modern twist and modern characters:  Tiger Woods!  a.k.a.  Brett; Angelina Jolie!  a.k.a. Rachel; and Rapunzel! a.k.a. Miranda.  Thanks to Madison for technical assistance.  Your play really had smooth transitions; no stumbling with lines; and on top of that, it was just plain entertaining.