Friday, December 10, 2010

Post #20 Friday December 10, 2010


1.)   Auditions Auditions Auditions...

Try out with your singing voice for a part in Mariposa Arts Theatre's  spring staging of

"Guys and Dolls"
Auditions are Friday Dec. 17   6 p.m. -- 9 p.m. and
                     Saturday Dec. 18  9 a.m.  -- 4 p.m..
for more information, Call John Caryl at (705) 327-9759

Our latest performances have been great!!  Congratulations to all grade 9 ADA 1O students who performed "Doing Something" in a Readers' Theatre format.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Post #19 Dec. 03, 2010

This past week was awesome, with great work done by everyone in class.

I think you might like this youtube video...  Random acts of drama...

And if you need a laugh, visit Improv Everywhere (practising random acts of drama...) on Youtube. I recommend Frozen in Grand Central Station (when a tableau becomes a powerful piece of street theatre)  and The Food Court Musical (March 09, 2008 — From  16 agents create a spontaneous musical in a food court in a Los Angeles mall. Using wireless microphones and the mall's PA system, both their voices and the music was amplified throughout the food court. All cameras were hidden behind two-way mirrors and other concealed structures. This is one of over 70 different missions Improv Everywhere has executed over the past six years in New York City. Others include Frozen Grand Central, the Best Buy uniform prank, and the famous U2 Rooftop Hoax, to name a few. Visit the website to see tons of photos and video of all of our work, including behind the scenes information on how this video was made. Song by Scott Brown and Anthony King. Arranged by Jamie Laboz)
These are some improv ideas from Beth Foster, Improv coach at Bear Creek S.S.

Home Room Reminders:

Next week we collect the following items for CHristmas
  • non perishable food
  • mittens for the mitten tree
  • $1 / person to help with WorldVision
Bring in all your items early!


Everyone is working hard to prepare stage performances of "Pygmalion".  Due Date:  Dec. 13, 14, 15, and 16.  You may have more than your classroom peers as an audience, if Mr. Johnston and Ms. McKelvey bring along their grade 9 students. 
MONDAY  Dec. 06 .
 per. 4 we will watch part of "My Fair Lady" to get ideas for British accents.

TUESDAY    Beth's group will build puppets  Carlie's group will block their Act on stage
WEDNESDAY  Dylan's group will block their scenes on stage
THURSDAY  Beth's group will practice using the special 'stage'
will all be used for scene polishing.
FRIDAY we will work on Transitions, Introducations and Conclusions.


MONDAY  Dec. 06

People are finishing their sit - com scripts this weekend, to be submitted Monday. 

TUESDAY  Gord's group will use the stage for blocking
WEDNESDAY Miranda's group will block on the stage
THURSDAY   Ethan, Skyler and Evan will block their sit-com
FRIDAY  all groups who want Madison to do lighting should meet with her and provide an extra copy of their scripts for her instructions.


Monday Dec. 06

Colton's group will present their version of  "Doing Something" with Reader's Theatre

Class will begin work on "Pyramus and Thisbe"  Warm Up Activity #6, p. 14-17 in Voices in the Spotlight  Bell,  Perlman, and Stollmeyer

Tuesday Dec. 07

Journal Writing:  Recalling a "First Time Event" in your life, or the life of someone you know really well.

Work on Basic Acting Terminology and the Acting Terminology Crossword

Wednesday Dec. 08

begin work on Exercise 6, p. 98 - 113
Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream
11 people or more / group

Thursday Dec. 09
review Acting terminology:  quiz tomorrow!

Friday Dec. 10

Acting Terminology Quiz!
 this time will be dedicated to group work with the script  A Midsummer Night's Dream .